Fall Asleep Easily: Turn 10 tricks into Good Habits

by Nod on 17/02/2009

Sometimes I wake up on the wrong side of the bed, and when I do it’s a bad day from the get-go for me.  I’ve asked myself why this happens.  And today is a good day to look at.

This morning I got up on the wrong side of the bed and I realized it was simply because I had a horrible nights sleep. This is a mini personal breakthrough because until just now I would normally blame someone or something else.

But I don’t need to be upset with my husband, or the work I have to do, or anything else that crosses my path after I get up. My rotten feeling has nothing to do with anyone else, it’s just a bad nights sleep. Wandering around getting dressed, feeling more tired than when I went to bed, I thought about my night of frequently looking at the clock, tossing and turning, weird dreams, sensing bodily aches and pains, and constantly feeling either too hot or too cold.

I hate nights like that.

And what I hate about not getting enough sleep is how I often let it affect me for the rest of my day. What are the consequences you dread most about a bad night’s sleep? Here are a few of mine:

  1. Irritability – I’ll be a bit crabby
  2. Slower Work Pace – everything takes more effort
  3. Lower Productivity – harder to get things done
  4. Headaches – make everything worse
  5. Sluggish Brain – I’m in slo mo
  6. Sour attitude – related to being crabby
  7. Tension in Relationships – irritability and sour attitudes don’t help
  8. Frustration that I can’t get past the tiredness – reality
  9. Increased Stress level – it just happens
  10. Forgetfulness – comes from the sluggish brain

Instead of just coping until bedtime tonight, when I’ll hopfully get a decent night’s sleep, I wrote down a list of things I can do to decrease the likelihood of having a bad night again. Everyone’s different, but here are my ways to get to sleep more easily — I figured out some of this on my own – and learned the rest from surfing:

  1. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day - I’ve read this everywhere
  2. In the evening gradually reduce the amount of bright light in your environment – Ok, willing to try
  3. Only get in bed when you feel tired – well, mostly Ok
  4. Find something relaxing that can become part of your evening wind down, such as reading a book, listening to relaxing music, doing sudoku puzzles, taking a warm bath or shower.
  5. Adjust the bedroom temperature – try cooler, you might like it.
  6. Leave the mental junk pile alone.  Don’t worry, it will be there tomorrow!
  7. Get exercise during the day but not during the 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  8. Figure out how many hours of sleep you need and just go to sleep.
  9. Avoid caffeine and other stimulants in the evening.
  10. Be positive and expect to have a great night’s sleep.
    reading in bed Fall Asleep Easily: Turn 10 tricks into Good Habits

    Photo by mahalie

A couple last thoughts for the day (I’m telling myself these since I had a bad night ). Don’t give up on getting good sleep. It is worth the mental thought time to discover what works best for you.

Extra Helpers

It’s okay to get a little help sometimes. On occasion I take an Advil PM and it works great.  I just don’t depend on them.

A bad night’s sleep doesn’t have to ruin your day.

Naps work

Take a 10-20 minute power nap in the afternoon instead of running for more caffeine. I try to remember it’s not my family or co-workers’ fault that I woke up on the wrong side of the bed, so I smile and try to be nice. Last thought I tell myself: just do something good for someone else. I’m feeling better and more energized already, just hoping this might help someone else!  What are your tricks?

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