2 CE Credits

Alignment Strategies for Relieving Pregnancy Pain and Discomfort

Lisa Gillispie
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In this webinar we'll explore the impact that alignment and movement habits have on a woman's pregnancy and birth experience. We'll take an in-depth look at common areas of tension and the role alignment plays in creating and preventing them. You'll leave with a greater understanding of how alignment and movement habits contribute to pregnancy pain and discomfort and how you can address that in your practice.

Lisa Gillispie

Lisa Gillispie

Lisa Gillispie has a private practice in Columbus, OH integrating whole body alignment, Restorative Exercise™ and craniosacral therapy. In 1995 she fell in love with CST and decided to devote herself to specializing in this technique. In addition to completing Advanced CranioSacral with the Upledger Institute and becoming a Certified CranioSacral Therapist, she taught craniosacral therapy for Sacred Spaces Seminars (now The Neurovascular Institute) and now mentors other therapists around the world online and in-person. Lisa has also worked at The Upledger Institute as a visiting therapist in their intensive treatment program. As part of her continuing studies, Lisa became a Restorative Exercise Specialist earlier this year. She loves helping her clients understand how their alignment and movement habits impact their body and, most importantly, how they can help themselves when they’re off the table.

An anatomy nerd, occasional knitter and personal growth junkie, Lisa gets great joy sharing her love of the body with her 4 year old daughter, who has been known to inform people that they should stop tucking their pelvis.

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