Shoulder Impingement from Pathology to Treatment
Jeff Mahadeen
This workshop is going to focus on shoulder impingement from the anatomy of the shoulder complex, to the soft tissue dysfunction, and onto treatment utilizing myofascial mobilizations and trigger point therapy.
Anatomy shoulder complex
Kinesiology of the shoulder complex
The Dysfunction – tissue trauma and discussion of common muscular and postural imbalances
Treatment Protocols – Employing myofascial mobilization and trigger point treatment
Jeff Mahadeen
Since 1998, Jeff Mahadeen has been teaching hands-on massage techniques including Myofascial Release, Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT), Assessment and related sciences in schools throughout the USA. Jeff has also written school curriculum with topics ranging from Anatomy and Physiology to comprehensive therapeutic hands-on techniques. He is a Structural Integrator and the Owner of the Muscular Wellness Institute Educational and Treatment Center in New Hampshire which offers over 250 CE hours in advanced therapeutic modalities.
Jeff has worked for the following schools: The Somerset School of Massage Therapy (presently Cortiva Institute), Academy of Massage Therapy, Hesser College and the Swedish Institute. At each school, Jeff has taken a leadership role with curriculum writing and course development.
Recognized as one of the nation's leading educators, Jeff has been asked to sit on a Job Task Analysis and Exam Committee for the Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards for the creation of a new federal massage licensing exam known as the MBLEx. The MBLEx is now known as one of the gold standards for massage examination. Jeff has also worked with the ABMP in practice exam development and was asked to sit on the NCBTMB's Advanced Certification Commitee.