Integrative Massage - Earth

Integrative Massage - Earth

Jenny Wilmer
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The Earth Massage is a deep, muscular massage designed to release tension, loosen muscles and free restrictions. This video integrates Side Posture, Deep Tissue, Neuromuscular Therapy, Myofascial Release and Swedish Massage. Benefits include muscle lengthening, increased range of motion, and improved posture. Perform this massage on clients with muscle tension, limited range of motion, or on people who can’t lay face-down or face-up for long. This video also includes a 5 minute Yoga routine for the practitioner.

Jenny Wilmer

Jenny Wilmer

Jenny Wilmer is a licensed Massage therapist, yoga teacher and mother. Jenny practices yoga, Qii Gong and integrative massage. She has been a massage therapist for many years; she is a true believer in the value of massage for both practitioner and recipient. According to Jenny, massage is dynamic and works best when it changes to suit the needs of clients.

"Use integrative massage to give receivers/clients what they need most. " - Jenny Wilmer

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