REFLEXOLOGY Volume 1: The Feet
Rhonda Funes
REFLEXOLOGY with Rhonda Funes
Volume 1: The Feet
Every year, more and more people appreciate the value of reflexology as an effective tool of touch that accesses the energy flow of the entire body through specific applied pressures. This massage DVD helps you develop both the skills and confidence toaddress the nerve rich areas of the feet and provides detailed examples of thumb and finger articulations.
Whether you are a beginner or experienced massage therapist, you can become more knowledgeable and confident about the nerve-rich areas of the feet. Rhonda Funes has been practicing and teaching reflexology for 15 years. In this video, she demonstrates basic and advanced reflexology techniques that anyone can use. Her mission is simple – to help you achieve maximum results from correct and easily applied reflexology techniques. This video includes the following:
• Foot to body reflex correspondences
• Specific thumb and finger articulations including the inchworm, c-hook, apostrophe and thumb walk
• Conducting a client “intake evaluation” or soliciting feedback to help assess different reflex area to better address chronic or immediate conditions including headaches, sciatic and back pain, stomachaches and pregnancy
• When, where and how to apply light vs. deep pressure
• How to sequence your reflexology session and handle transitions between the feet
• Recaps and reviews of key points and how to incorporate reflexology techniques into your massage practice

Rhonda Funes
Meet Rhonda Funes, one of the leading reflexologists in Beverly Hills. A featured teacher and lecturer, Rhonda will help you develop the skills and confidence necessary to address the nerve-rich areas of the feet. Offering both basic and advanced reflexology techniques, her two instructional programs, Reflexology, Volume 1 - The Feet and Reflexology, Volume 2 - Hands and Ears, provide specific information on reflex correspondences and detailed examples of correct thumb and finger articulations.
A graduate of American Academy of Reflexology in 1988, Rhonda Funes was one of the first to study Integrated Reflexology. As a Charter Member of the newly formed Reflexology Association of California and was responsible for defining “Reflexology” and the scope of practice for reflexologists.
As a State Certified Instructor of Reflexology since 1994, Rhonda has held teaching positions at the following institutions: American Academy of Reflexology, The California Shiatsu School of Massage, The Massage School of Santa Monica, and Emperor’s College of Traditional Oriental Medicine. Ms. Funes served as President of the Reflexology Association of California from 2009-2011.
Certified by The American Reflexology Certification Board, Rhonda has also served as private practitioner and tutor and worked in close association with chiropractors, acupuncturists and podiatrists. Today Rhonda Funes Professional Reflexology welcomes clients of all ages with a wide array of conditions.
Click here to read a Tools for Touch™ blog post by Rhonda Funes, "How I Left Corporate America for Reflexology"
What are your credentials and how did you earn them?
I called the American Academy of Reflexology in Burbank, California, to inquire about training. I started with a weekend workshop in which we learned all about feet and engaged in some tactile classwork. I enjoyed the experience immensely and knew I wanted to learn about hands and ears. So I enrolled in and graduated from the American Academy of Reflexology in Los Angeles. The program was advanced and included coursework that integrated feet, hands, and ears in more than 100 hours of training in touch techniques.
After I graduated, I became a member of the first group of reflexologists to be certified by the national board, a self-monitoring organization that developed a testing and certification process that is
used nationwide. Today, I am a National Board Certified Reflexologist and a state-certified instructor of reflexology. My training in this and many other touch modalities along with a diverse practice have contributed to my developing and teaching curriculum on foot reflexology for several massage schools in the state of California.
What is the most rewarding aspect of your work in reflexology?
I make a positive difference in the life of every person who comes my way. I know this because of the feedback I receive from my clients. For example, one of my clients, a very active sports enthusiast, suffered a severe sprain and multiple bruises and scrapes during a bike ride. His sprained foot was causing him a great deal of discomfort. When he called me, I told him that the sooner he received reflexology, the quicker he might experience healing. He came in immediately, and I worked on his feet, hands, and ears. When we next talked two weeks later he told me he was completely pain-free the day after his
reflexology session! In fact, within one week of his visit to me, he participated in a triathlon. I see this all the time: Actual physical changes and shifts occur in attitudes, bodies and spirits after reflexology sessions. I think of the time I spend with clients as genuine exchanges between two people, joint efforts. My satisfaction comes from the fact that they leave with all kinds of new ideas and feelings, and ultimately beneficial change is initiated.
Finally, can you tell us what gifts you have received from your practice of
With pleasure. Perhaps the greatest gift I've received is the realization that touch is the most profound way of connecting with another human being. With a small amount of skill, one can create comfort and positive change in someone else's life. Not only have I made my living through my practice of reflexology, but also I have taken a marvelous journey of self-development and self-enlightenment. I have learned and continue to learn a tremendous amount of information about myself and other people while practicing this healing therapy.