Mastering Chair Massage

Mastering Chair Massage

Real Bodywork
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$9.99 - $9.99
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Master the art of chair massage. This beautiful program will teach you over 50 techniques that you can incorporate into a 10, 15, or 30 minute chair massage. Covers advanced techniques and foundational material such as chair setup, bodymechanics, communication, the business of chair massage, how to adapt your sequence, and marketing. Many of the techniques are supported by anatomical graphics that
make learning easy. After you have mastered the techniques, we have included a timed 15 minute session so you can master the art of timing as well- sometimes the most difficult part of chair massage.

INSTRUCTOR: Diana Haynes has been practicing various forms of bodywork for over 30 years. She brings her technical skill and clear teaching style to this great video program.

Real Bodywork

Real Bodywork offers a variety of high quality  massage videos. All their programs are finely crafted with great techniques that you can apply immediately in your massage practice.

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