Nature’s Gift
James MikaelListen to Track Samples:
Track Title |
Wind Dance |
Nature's Gift |
A Child's Love |
Spiritus |
Song of Universal Love |
Universal Love Currents |
Roots & Wings |
Luminous Meditation |
Springs of LIfe |
Nature's Gift Reprise |
Nature’s Gift by pianist/composer James Mikael Brue offers piano music for massage, spa and healing.
Instruments: piano and birdsong
TRT: One hour +
“A sweet melody, a beautiful sound, is something that we’re all naturally, easily, effortlessly attracted to. Instead of being focused on one thing or another, the mind lets go and you feel an expansion, and ideally, a joy, or as Alan Watts used to say, 'the Floodlight Consciousness', instead of the focused, the spotlight." - James Mikael

James Mikael
Piano virtuoso James Mikael Brue wrote and recorded the album, Nature’s Gift. James admits to being really in love with "the acoustical aspect of music, the way piano really vibrates a human being, vibrates our nervous system.”
A classically trained musician and teacher of the Suzuki Method, James created Nature’s Gift to express in part “the depth within each of us, that we can touch, that will heal us.” Inspired by the Muir woods in Marin County, CA as well as several extended meditation retreats, James’ music is an expression of a beautiful, peaceful journey and a desire to evoke the totality and harmony of nature. A resident of northern CA, James Mikael Brue hopes that his healing music for At Peace, “makes you feel safe so you can let go and take that energy with you into your world, and in the course of that action give it away, give it to others . . . that would be my heart’s dream fulfilled.”